The Old Grain Store, Lymington

Remodelling of a Burgage Plot Town House

In the middle of Lymington’s Conservation Area, tucked away is The Old Grain Store. The original building was located on what was previously one of the town centre’s burgage plots. With a changing socio-economic landscape, the store fell out of use and was subsequently demolished. A dwelling replaced it in the 1980s but the layout was not very efficient. The owners approached us to carry out proposals that would see the entire house gutted and remodelled, to provide additional bedroom space, a larger family space, more natural light and a better connection to their courtyard garden. The Burgage Plot aesthetic is defined by the stepping down of the roofline towards the garden (the taller part of the house faces the main road). This was retained as it is engrained in the nature of this type of property but it was also extended to the rear to make the most of the site.


Silver Birch House: New-build House in a New Forest National Park Conservation Area


The Townhouse: Infill and Refurbishment of a Non-Designated Heritage Asset Lymington